The Driving Force Behind PWT Italia

At PWT Italia, we pride ourselves on being a leading club in the world of orienteering. Behind our competitions, training sessions, and initiatives stands a passionate and dedicated team, working together to inspire and achieve excellence in our sport. Meet the people who make it all possible.

Management team

Gabriele Viale
Gabriele VialeTeam manager
My favourite sentences:
The individual loses, the team wins!
Carla Gallo
Carla GalloGeneral Secretary
Some do orienteering in the woods or in the city… I do it in the office, in the bureaucratic maze—getting lost is a matter of seconds!
Mauro Gazzerro
Mauro GazzerroProject Advisor
Mara Pegoretti
Mara PegorettiProject Advisor
Daniela Pierpaoli
Daniela PierpaoliPress Office

Athletes – Elite Team

Jessica Lucchetta
Jessica LucchettaAthlete and Pink Team Captain
Orienteering athlete and computer scientist by passion, I divide my time between races, work, and adventures. Italian champion, PhD student, and always searching for the fastest route! 🚀
Sebastian Inderst
Sebastian InderstAthlete and Team Captain
Hard work and perseverance until my idols become my rivals!
Mattia Debertolis
Mattia DebertolisAthlete and Team Captain
Why just run? Orienteering is more fun!
Annarita Scalzotto
Annarita ScalzottoAthlete
I perform better when I’m sick
Caterina Dallera
Caterina DalleraAthlete
When I believe in it, I become a tiger
Fabio Amadesi
Fabio AmadesiAthlete
Everybody sometimes fails… Learn to get up and building tomorrow
Marco Di Stefano
Marco Di StefanoAthlete
Guenda Zaffanella
Guenda ZaffanellaAthlete
Running is my lifeblood, and when you add a map and a compass, I enter my world. Appearances can be deceiving, but I’m a tough person—if I want it, I can do it.

Athletes – Junior Team

Alessandro Bedin
Alessandro BedinAthlete and Team Captain
I dash through the woods like with the Ape XD
Celeste Pretto
Celeste PrettoAthlete
The calmer you are, the clearer you think. Move with strategy not emotion.
Francesco Scalzotto
Francesco ScalzottoAthlete
Limitations are only perceptions

Support team

Giorgio Tonda
Giorgio TondaSocial mMedia Manager
I make PWT shine even outside the forest, one post at a time
Guglielmo Viale
Guglielmo VialeEnergizer
Sometimes I get lost in the woods, but I will never lose my smile
Katiuscia Sibiglia
Katiuscia SibigliaAthlete
Champions have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill
Pierantonio Pretto
Pierantonio PrettoCode Hunter Developer and Cartographer..
I work to live, but I live for sports
Pietro Palumbo
Pietro PalumboHead of performance and Athlete
Riccardo Scalet
Riccardo ScaletEx Athlete and technical coach
加油! ⛽️
Tommaso Scalet
Tommaso ScaletAthlete and tecnical coach
On the verge of running in master class

Team Values

At PWT Italia, teamwork, perseverance, and a love for adventure are the cornerstones of everything we do. Each member of our team plays a crucial role in promoting orienteering and inspiring a new generation of athletes to explore, compete, and thrive.

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